New Projects – Site Safety
With Covid restrictions being lifted on certain sectors and businesses looking at plans to reopen and bring staff back, our fit team are busy planning & preparing projects with site safety as the main priority. Here is an example of the…

Clean Air Plan For Your Office
Do you have a Clean Air Plan for your Office?
Most companies are starting to discuss with their staff about a return to work plan in the coming months. Simple steps can be adhering to a 2 meter apart policy and a social distancing layout,…

New Aeramax Vehicle Signage
Lets all welcome our new Aeramax Fleet, following the confirmation that the Aeramax Range is 99.99% effective against Coronavirus we are able to unveil our new vans.
The vehicles will be visible around Ireland delivery the Aeramax range to…

Meet The Team
Meet the 2021 Team at S & S. If you need assistance from any of our departments feel free to contact them Directly. All of our team are available via Video Calls, Phone, email and even by social distancing meetings.
Team Contact Details…

Aeramax Covid – 99.9% Airbourne Reduction
As a supplier of the Aeramax range S & S are extremely please with the news that the Aeramax Pro Series have shown a 99.99% airborne reduction of a coronavirus surrogate within 60-minutes of operation.
The Aeramax 3 & 4 is available…

Office Air Purifier – Frequently Asked Questions
We are asked a lot of questions in regards to the effectiveness of the Aeramax Professional Air Purifier system. We have compiled the most asked questions below.
Aeramax 3 & 4 are in stock in Dublin at S & S, We have no delays due…

Irish Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Membership 2021
S & S Office Interiors Ltd are very pleased to be able to renew our Membership to the Irish Human Factors & Ergonomics Society for 2021. We have been a member for a number of years and always look at the advise of the society…

S & S Supporting Temple Street Children’s Hospital Toy Appeal 2020
Management and staff at S & S decided that this year in lieu of Christmas gifts for our clients that we would support Temple Street Christmas Toy Appeal. Alan (MD at S & S) dropped off bags of new toys for all ages to the front door…

Bleach Cleanable & Anti Microbial Vnyil Seating for your Office.
For added protection from Covid 19 in a recent project the chairs selected were covered in a Bleach cleanable, Waterproof and anti microbial vinyl seating fabric.
Vita Vinyl Fabric by Camira:
Vita is a leather-look vinyl, with a subtle…

Hepa Filter Systems Come Out Top in Latest Study
CIBSE: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Link to their ‘emerging from Lockdown page: LINK
Primary recommendation is increased ventilation to dilute any potential risks in the air
Warns against the use of systems…

Back to Work @ S & S
In preparation for opening of the S & S Office on the 18th of May, our team have put Covid 19 procedures in place in our office.
1. Clean Air: Our office now has a AeraMax Professional Air Purifier System which kills 99.97% of Virus,…

Return to Work Safely Protocol COVID-19 Specific National Protocol for Employers and Workers
A. Introduction
1. Context
We are all confronted with a situation that was unimaginable a few short weeks ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted severely on every part of our society and our economy. In the face of this, the biggest…

Protect Your Staff & The Air They Breathe
With the current Covid 19 Pandemic, we want to ensure the safety of our staff when they return to work. Over the coming weeks staff will be adjusting to working from home where they have not been meeting face to face with customers and avoiding…

Bank Of Ireland – Ergonomics Presentation
Early mornings & Ergonomics, what could be better.... Bank Of Ireland Swords and the Fingal Dublin Chamber show your business event attached a wide audience to the newly refurbished Branch in Swords, Co. Dublin. S & S were invited to…

What Should a 21st Century Classroom Look Like?
The New Educational range from Eromes Marko is making headlines and showcasing the new way that classrooms should and will be designed.

Lotus RT Sit Stand Solution
New products are always coming into our showroom, however we have never had so much interest from one as we have with the Lotus RT from Fellowes. On a recent LinkedIn post our video was viewed over 95,000 times.
The smooth action of the paddle…

New Educational Range from Eromes Marko
We are pleased to announce the introduction of educational furniture to our portfolio. Ermoes Marko and our team will be working together in this sector to deliver high quality educational furniture to schools, Library's and colleges across…

Customer Summer BBQ
We love our customers and there is no better way to catch up with them, then in the Irish sunshine for a BBQ at our office. The chef and host was our very own MD Alan who flipped over 60 burgers to our smiling customers. A great event and enjoyed…

St Patrick’s Day Parade 2019
S & S took part in the 2019 St Patrick's Day Parade in Swords, Co. Dublin. The Streets of Swords were lined with green faces of all ages, Even the Sun came out for the duration of the Parade. Organizers Fingal County Council and local businesses…

We Never Stop Learning
At S & S we are constantly training with our Manufactures to ensure that we are fully educated in their products, procedures and manufacturing processes. S & S Managing Director Alan Spain attended a RIAI CPD with Chieftain Fabrics,…

S & S @ Biz Expo 2019
Our Sales Team will be on hand at the Biz Expo in June showcasing the latest in Office Ergonomics, come visit our stand to discuss your office needs.
Biz Expo is Ireland’s largest B2B trade show, conference and networking event, dedicated…

S & S Working With Manufactures
We are constantly meeting with our manufactures for product training and new product launches. For S & S this is an important part of our work in the field of ergonomics. This month we have meet with Fellowes, who celebrating 100 years in…