Protect Your Staff & The Air They Breathe

Aeramax Clean Air

With the current Covid 19 Pandemic, we want to ensure the safety of our staff when they return to work. Over the coming weeks staff will be adjusting to working from home where they have not been meeting face to face with customers and avoiding contact with others.

This will be an interesting time for employers and their staff will want reassurances that their safety in work is being looked after.

AeraMax Professional air purifiers remove up to 99.9% of contaminants like germs, viruses and allergens from enclosed environments.

AeraMax Professional

With fixed term rental options on the AeraMax Air Purifier and stock available you can ensure that your staff breathe easy.

We’ve got a way to help combat absenteeism. In fact, our purifiers are proven to eliminate flu viruses (H1N1) from indoor air.